Data Acquisition, Recording, Processing, and Routing

Recorder Requirements Wizard
This recorder requirements wizard will help identify the most applicable recorder for your application.

The following Recorder Requirements Wizard will help identify the most applicable recorder for your application.

Use the page buttons below to navigate through this short wizard.

Expected Aggregate Data Rate

Select the most applicable data rate that your recorder will require.

Data Types

Select all the data type(s) that your recorder will need.

Command and Control

Select the interface(s) that your recorder will require for command and control.

Time Synchronization

Select the time sources for your recorder.

Special Features

Select any special features that your recorder will require.

Input Power Source

Select the appropriate input power source.  If not listed, please use the "Other" option and enter the power specifications.

Environmental Specifications

Select the most applicable specifications that your recorder will need to meet.


If there are any limitations for this recorder, please list below.

What height will be required in inches?

Playback Requirements

Please explain how you will be using the data after recording.

Contact Info

Enter your contact information and we will send the results of the Recorder Requirements Wizard as soon as it has been processed.

Time to Send

Now that you have entered all the necessary requirements and contact information, we need to send the information off to our Recorder Configuration Specialist.

Select the reCAPTCHA widget and press Send.